Here in Wisconsin we see some very drastic seasons. Deep snow and bitter cold is replaced by waist high lush green grass and clovers in a few months time frame. While our "green up" season can vary quite a bit from year to year (sometimes up to a month) we usually start to see plants sprouting slowly in mid to late April and after a few rain showers and some sunny days in the 70s things really start to get going by early May. The plants and animals here have evolved to deal with this "condensed" growing season and ample precipitation, which results in some incredibly fast growth. There is a race to grow and produce and capture ground space and daylight before they are shrouded out by a neighbor. These plants need to be up and functioning ASAP since they only have a few months before the seasons start the transition back towards fall and winter in September and October. Early mornings and evenings are my favorite time to take a cruise on the atv or a walk in the pasture and check out how the plants are progressing from day to day.

Life explodes!
Published by Kris on May 14th 2020